Sunday, September 14, 2008

Modern Jive Studio

Studio Home Page
Modern Jive is a fun and exciting social partner dance, which is very popular in Australia,New Zealand and UK where it is one of the most popular dance styles. Throughout Australia thousands of people learn this exciting new dance, this type of the dance style very popular in Sri Lanka,too. Most of the dancing teachers start their first lesson of latin dancing from Jive/Modern Jive .

Modern Jive is successful because it is:

* easy to learn - as the emphasis in teaching is on the upper body movement and as there is no intricate footwork, Modern Jive is instantly accesible for the self-confessed "non-dancer"
* fun - it is ideal for clubs and parties
* social - the Modern Jive teaching method caters to people coming on their own or with friends so partners are not necessary
* music - Modern Jive can be danced to virtually any music from the classic 1950s to the latest chart hits which attracts people from diverse age groups
* diversity - As a direct consequence of Modern Jive's versatility in music it appeals to individuals from very diverse age groups from children to mature adults
* modern/casual - its image relates to the 'man in the street', it is not perceived as a ballroom dance but a party dance for any occasion.

Jive is a non-progressive partnered (latin) dance, danced in both open and closed dance holds. Typical jive tempo is 40–46 bars per minute.

Footwork is normally based on the six beat basic:
the leader's steps are
backwards (left), rock (right), chassé (left-right-left), chassé (right-left-right), but can be varied: backwards (left), rock (right), step (left), step (right), or backwards (left), rock (right), step (left), tap (left), step (right), tap(right), or backwards (left), rock (right), tap (left), step (left), tap(right), step (right) — the follower mirrors.

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